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Six variables determine the position of the Universal Camera:

  • Desired Location
  • Desired Socket Offset
  • Desired Target Offset
  • Desired Rotation (Yaw, Pitch and Roll)
  • Desired Rotation Offset
  • Desired Zoom

Whenever one of these variables change, the UC will try to catch up to its new value using the Lag.

Input Functions or most of the Features will modify these values, but you can also do it manually using setter functions from the "Tools" category.


To modify the position of the UC, you should always use the functions provided by the UC instead of the classic Actor functions. E.g. SetDesiredLocation() instead of SetActorLocation(), SetDesiredRotation() instead of SetActorRotation(), SetDesiredZoom() instead of modifying the TargetArmLength, etc.

Location Offset

Moving the Location Offset can be useful in various situations.
For example, it can allow you to move around while following an Actor.

There are two types of Location Offsets:

Target Offset

Offset at start of the Spring Arm Component.
The UC will rotate around the Target Offset location.

Socket Offset

Offset at end of the Spring Arm Component. The UC will rotate around the Origin location.

Rotation Offset

Similarly, the Rotation Offset will allow you to rotate while the UC Rotation is being captured (e.g. while you're following an Actor's rotations).