Manipulating Stats
Stat Functions
Most of the functions that you can call directly on a Stat are also present in the StatsComponent.
If the function is common to both Progress and Complex Stats, it's called "Stat + FunctionName".
If it's a Complex Stat function, it's called "ComplexStat + FunctionName".
If it's a Progress Stat function, it's called "ProgressStat + FunctionName".
Getting a pointer to a Stat
You can also get a pointer to a Stat and call functions directly from them.
This also allows you to bind to a Stat Delegate.
Stat Base
Using a Stat Base pointer can be useful when you want to treat data shared between Progress Stats and Complex Stats and don't know the underlying class of the Stat.
Progress Stat and Complex Stat
You can also directly get a Progress or Complex Stat pointer.