The StatsComponent is an Actor Component that owns Stats and provides functions to manipulate them.
It can be added to any Actor, and can be seen as a bridge between your Actor and your Stats.
While the StatsComponent initializes and manages Stats, it doesn't handle the list of Stats to add and their default values.
For this purpose, you'll need to use the Default Values Table. #
📄️ Create a StatsComponent
Create a Blueprint Class from the StatsComponent class.
📄️ Load Default Values
Call LoadDefaultValues()
📄️ Add Stats
Stats are generally added through the Default Values Manager when the StatsComponent is initialized.
📄️ Manipulating Stats
Stat Functions
📄️ Level Stat
The Level Stat is a Complex Stat that's automatically instanced when you call LoadDefaultValues() on
📄️ Shared Timers
Shared Timers (or StatsComponent Timers) are timers created inside a StatsComponent, allowing multiple objects to bind functions to them.
📄️ Delegates
On Stat Added / On Stat Removed.
📄️ String Operation
A String Operation (or Stat Operation) is a string type that allows you to type in an expression with your Stats and return a result (a value).
📄️ Value Influence
Value Influences are used to make the value of a Complex Stat inherit from the values of other Complex Stats.
📄️ Preview StatsComponent
To see how changes to a Stat can affect the whole system, you can use a Preview StatsComponent.
📄️ Save and Load
You can get the state of a StatsComponent with GetSaveData().